Strawless cocktails from SKY Waikiki at right, and Top of Waikiki at left. Courtesy images.
HONOLULU, HAWAII – SKY Waikiki and Top of Waikiki have eliminated plastic straws effective immediately, becoming an active participant in efforts to reduce ocean pollution.
More than 500 million plastic straws are used in America daily, with much of the resulting single-use, non-biodegradable plastic trash winding up in the ocean where it harms marine life — in many cases, endangered marine life. Many stories have been reported about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in waters between Hawai‘i and California, which bears roughly 80,000 tons of plastic. That is equivalent in weight to 500 jumbo jets!
The truth is, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not the only one — there are garbage patches in oceans all around the world, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s Marine Debris Program.
While paper straws will be available on request, all cocktails will be served without straws in an overall effort to reduce waste.
SKY Waikiki and Top of Waikiki are proud to do their part in saving the environment, one plastic straw at a time.